Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

Sejarah mengenai BAYER

Bayer adalah perusahaan global dengan kompetensi inti di bidang perawatan kesehatan, pertanian dan bahan polimer berteknologi tinggi. Sebagai perusahaan inovasi, ia menetapkan tren di daerah penelitian intensif. Produk dan jasa Bayer dirancang untuk menguntungkan masyarakat dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Pada saat yang sama, Grup bertujuan untuk menciptakan nilai melalui inovasi, pertumbuhan dan kekuatan produktif tinggi. Bayer berkomitmen pada prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan dan pada tanggung jawab sosial dan etika sebagai bagian dari korporasi. Bayer AG didirikan di Barmen, Jerman pada tahun 1863 oleh Friedrich Bayer dan rekannya, Johann Friedrich Weskott. Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Jerman, bertindak sebagai manajemen perusahaan induk strategis. Ini mendefinisikan nilai-nilai, tujuan dan strategi dari seluruh Grup. Hal ini juga bertanggung jawab untuk alokasi sumber daya dan janji manajerial. Dipimpin oleh Bayer AG, HealthCare, CropScience dan MaterialScience subkelompok mandiri mengelola operasi bisnis mereka sejalan dengan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. The Corporate Center mendukung Dewan Manajemen Grup di tugas kepemimpinan strategis. Perusahaan induk dan subkelompok yang didukung dalam kegiatan mereka dengan tiga perusahaan jasa Bayer Layanan Bisnis, Bayer Layanan Teknologi dan Currenta. Saham Bayer AG terdaftar di Bursa Efek Frankfurt, London Stock Exchange dan sebelumnya di New York Stock Exchange. Operasi bisnis kami menjadi tanggung jawab sub kelompok: • Bayer HealthCare adalah salah satu inovator terkemuka di bidang produk farmasi dan media. Sub kelompok terbagi dalam 4 divisi operasional: Animal Health (obat-obatan hewan dan produk perawatan);Consumer Care (menitikberatkan pada obat-obatan, suplemen makanan dan produk resep dermatologi);Medical Care (sistem pemantauan glukosa darah, bahan kontras, sistem injeksi untuk prosedur medis diagnostik dan terapeutik);Pharmaceuticals (obat resep). • Bayer CropScience, dengan varian produknya yang sangat efektif, merintis berbagai inovasi dan menekankan pada kebutuhan pelanggan, dipercaya sebagai pemimpin global dalam perlindungan tanaman dan pengendalian hama non-pertanian. • Bayer MaterialScience adalah pemasok terkenal bahan polimer berteknologi tinggi seperti polikarbonat dan poliuretan, dan solusi sistem yang inovatif untuk berbagai keperluan sehari-hari. Mayoritas produk berada di posisi teratas di rekening pasar dunia untuk sebagian besar penjualan. Penyedia jasa pelayanan pusat terdiri dari tiga perusahaan jasa: • Bayer Business Services adalah pusat kompetensi global untuk IT dan Layanan Bisnis dari Bayer Group. Wujud layanan tersebut selaras dengan proses bisnis Bayer dan fokus bidang inti Infrastruktur IT dan Aplikasi, Procurement serta Trade Services, Personnel Services, Finance dan Accounting dan Management Consulting. Bayer Business Services berkantor pusat di Leverkusen, Jerman. Sementara situs internasional berada di Barcelona, Berlin, Gdansk, Hong Kong, Manila, Mumbai, Pittsburgh, São Paulo, Shanghai dan Singapura. • Bayer Technology Services, tulang punggung teknologi global dan penggerak inovasi utama dari Bayer Group, bergerak dalam bidang pengembangan proses serta proses dan rekayasa tanaman, konstruksi dan optimisasi. Perusahaan layanan ini menawarkan solusi terintegrasi di seluruh siklus hidup dari proses dan produk. • Currenta menawarkan jasa untuk industri kimia termasuk pasokan utilitas, pengelolaan sampah, infrastruktur, keselamatan, keamanan, analisa dan pelatihan kejuruan. Perusahaan Jasa ini merupakan joint venture antara Bayer dan Lanxess, yang beroperasi di Chempark, Leverkusen, Dormagen dan Krefeld-Uerdingen, Jerman. Lokasi  Jerman – markas besar perusahaan induk dan kantor pusat 51368 di Leverkusen, Jerman gedung K13/K56 Telepon +49 214 30 8 17 18 Fax +49 214 30 20346, serta anak perusahaan Bayer CropScience, Bayer MaterialScience dan Bayer HealthCare  Belgia – termasuk fasilitas produksi untuk Makrolon dan poliuretan (di Antwerp)  Kanada – markas Toronto dan kantor di Montreal dan Calgary  Perancis – termasuk kantor pusat Eropa Bayer CropScience (di Lyon)  Italia – termasuk lima fasilitas produksi  Belanda – termasuk delapan fasilitas dan anak perusahaan dengan 600 karyawan di tiga sektor berbeda, Pemasaran dan Penjualan, Produksi dan Penelitian.  Filipina – produksi termasuk dari Canesten, Autan dan Baygon  Amerika Serikat – Bayer USA (Bayer Corporation) mengoperasikan kantor pusat Pittsburgh pinggiran perusahaan regional dan pusat penelitian  Inggris – Newbury Berkshire, dsb. Anak Perusahaan Bayer MaterialScience, Bayer USA, Bayer Schering Pharma, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Bayer CropScience. Produk dan Merek Bayer 1. Animal Health Di Indonesia, divisi Animal Health memasarkan produk-produk unggulan untuk kesehatan hewan baik hewan ternak maupun hewan kesayangan. Produk-produk untuk hewan ternak: Baytril 100 Injeksi, Neguvon, Baymix Latibon Plus ME, Baytril 10% Oral Solution, Catosal InjeksiVigantol E, Antidefisiensi vitamin A, D3, dan E pada ternak. Baymec, Rintal Granule, Rintal Bolus, Toxisorb Premium, Toxisorb Classic, Baycox 5%, dan Baycox 2.5%. Produk – produk untuk hewan kesayangan: Bayticol 6% E.C, Advocate Dog Spot on Solution, Advocate Cat Spot on Solution, Drontal Cat, Drontal Plus flavor, Kiltix, Advantix, Baytril Flavour Tab dan Baytril 5% Injeksi 2. Consumer Care Bayer Consumer Care memasarkan produk-produk unggulannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen di Indonesia. Produk-produk Nutrisional: CDR (Calcium-D-Redoxon), CDR Fortos, Redoxon Double Action, Redoxon Fortimun, Berocca, Supradyn Recharge, Tonikum Bayer dan Elevit. Produk-produk Flu, Batuk, dan Analgesik: Saridon White and Black, Saridon, Romilar, Refagan, Aspirin dan Afrin 3. Pharmaceuticals, Di Indonesia kami fokus pada portfolio produk-produk unggulan kami untuk mengobati penyakit-penyakit sebagai berikut: Kardiovaskular dan penyakit yang berhubungan dengan darah: Tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes, stroke iskemik, emboli akibat trombosis pembuluh darah balik, hipertensi pulmoner, pencegahan terjadinya stroke akibat fibrilasi atrium non valvular. Penyakit-penyakit khusus dan kanker: Multipel sklerosis dan terapi target untuk stadium lanjut pada kanker hati, kanker ginjal, dan kanker kolorektal. Penyakit pada mata/Oftalmologi: Pengobatan untuk Degenerasi Makula Basah akibat Usia/wet Age-related Macular Degeneration (wetAMD). 4. Radiologi dan Intervensional (R&I). Di Bayer, kami memahami pentingnya kesehatan bagi setiap individu dan kami memahami sepenuhnya betapa setiap individu sangat berharga. Maka kami mengembangkan produk-produk media kontras unggulan seperti media kontras MR, Media kontras X-Ray serta media kontras spesifik untuk liver. Didukung pula oleh alat-alat kesehatan berteknologi tinggi seperti Injektor CT, Injektor MR & Injektor Angio yang akan sangat mendukung pemeriksaan di ruang Cath Lab dan departemen Radiologi. Demikian pula dengan lengkapnya varian jarum suntik yang kami miliki, Bayer terus berusaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015


  Soal-Soal Perhitungan Kurs Valuta Asing Rahman mendapat tugas untuk ke Kanada selama 1 bulan, untuk rencana konferensi tersebut Rahman membutuhkan uang sebesar US$ 5.000. Berapa rupiah yang harus ia siapkan jika ia memiliki tabungan senilai $ 12.000 Hongkong (HKD)? Jawaban: USD $ 5.000 x Rp 12.918 (kurs beli) = Rp 64.590.000 HKD 12.000 x Rp 1.665,40 (kurs beli) = Rp 19.984.800 Jadi uang yang harus disiapkan  Rp 64.590.000 – Rp 19.984.800 = Rp 44.605.200 Rahman mendapat kiriman uang dari pamannya yang bekerja di Amerika Serikat sebesar US$ 500 dan kiriman uang dari kakaknya yang tinggal di Jepang sebesar ¥ 1.200. Berapa rupiah kah yang akan diterima Salsabila? Jawaban: USD 500 x Rp 12.918 (kurs beli) = Rp 6.459.000 ¥ 1.200 x 10.764,10 (kurs beli) = Rp 12.916.920 Jadi uang yang diterima Salsabila  Rp 6.459.000 + Rp 12.916.920 = Rp 19.375.920 Rahman Seorang reporter televisi memperoleh tugas meliput berita ke Thailand. Ia mendapatkan uang saku dinas perjalanan sebesar Rp 15.000.000. Berapa jumlah uang saku yang diterima bila sudah ditukar ke dollar Thailand? Di Thailand ia menggunakan uangnya sebesar THB 1.030. Setelah kembali, ia menukarkan sisa uangnya dengan rupiah. Berapa jumlah rupiah yang diterima reporter tersebut? Jawaban: (Rp 15.000.000)/(THB 407(kurs jual))=THB 36.855 THB 36.855-THB1030=35.852 Jadi sisa uang yang ada adalah  THB 35.852 x Rp 327 = Rp 11.714.775 Rahmanngusaha ekspor impor mobil sport dari Jepang dengan harga ¥ 500.000. Berapa dollar Australia yang harus dibayar Tn.Rahman? Jawaban: ¥ 500.000 x Rp 10.764,10 = Rp 5.382.050.000 (Rp 5.382.050.000)/(AUD 10.096,78)=AUD 533.087.361 Rahman membeli oleh-oleh di Thailand dan menghabiskan uang sebesar 25.000 Bath. Berapa dollar Singapura yang harus dibayar? Jawaban: THB 25.000 x Rp 398,46 = Rp 9.961.500 (Rp 9.961.500)/(SGD 9.527,56)=SGD 2823,90661 Rahman mendapat keuntungan dari bisnis tempenya yang berada di Philipina sebesar 200.000 peso. Berapa rupiah yang didapat Rahman? Jawaban: PHP 200.000 x Rp 292,73 = Rp 58.546.000 Rahman ingin berlibur ke Singapura, ia memiliki uang sebanyak GBP 1.0700. Berapa dollar Singapura yang dimiliki Stuart? Jawaban: GBP 1.0700 x Rp 19.687,03 = Rp 21.065.1220,1 (Rp 21.065.1220,1)/(SGD 9.527,56)=SGD 22.100,97 Rahman mendapat kiriman uang sebesar 7.00000 ringgit. Uang tersebut digunakan untuk membeli kacamata dengan merk terkenal sebesar USD $ 60000. Berapa rupiah sisa uang Rahman? Jawaban: MYR 7.00000 x Rp 3.539,18 = Rp 2.477.426.000 USD 60000 x Rp 12.918 = Rp 775.080.000 Sisa uang Siska adalah  Rp 2.477.426.000 - Rp Rp 775.080.000 = Rp 1.702.346 Rahman mendapatkan voucher diskon belanja senilai CHF 150. Berapa uang yang diterima Kimi jika ditukar dengan Rupiah? Jawaban: CHF 150 x Rp 13.280,56 = Rp 1.992.084 Rahman ingin membeli tiket konser MLTR di Hongkong sebesar Rp 10.000.000, berapa dollar Hongkong yang akan diperoleh Rahman? Jawaban: (Rp 7.000.000)/(HKD 1.682,27)=HKD 5.944,349

Senin, 06 Oktober 2014


Ketika Etika hanya sekedar formalitas semata, sedikit catatan harian tentang pelanggaran etika semakin banyak dilakukan dan menjadi hal yang dianggap lazim oleh banyak kalanagan masyarakat. Sejak awal Oktober hingga 6 Oktober kita seperti terbiasa dengan hal - hal seperti yang melanggar etika :

  • Kondisi lalu lintas di Jalan K.H Noer Ali ( Persimpangan antara Mega Mall Bekasi dan kawasan niaga di Bekasi ) banyak dianatara pengendara kendaraan terlebih pengendara roda dua yang hanya mementingkan diri mereka sendiri. Kebiasaan tidak tertib sudah biasa, Intansi terkait telah menyediakan RHK ( ruang henti Khusus Kendaraan Bermotor ) untuk roda dua dimana disediakan untuk kendaraan roda dua tetapi pada kenyataannya pengendara motor melewati RHK dan melebihi garis putih yang sungguh membahayakan pengguna jalan lain
  • Lagi - lagi kondisi lalu lintas yang menjadi perhatian saya, pada saat saya berkendara di jalan TOL sepertinya kondisi bahu jalan sudah tidak hanya untuk darurat tetapi pengguna jalan menjadikan bahu jalan di jalan TOL sebagai jalan alternatif untuk menghindari macet tetapi yang ada hanya menambah kepadatan dan kemacetan.
  • Akhir pekan semakin dekat dan kondisi di tempat perbelanjaan pun semakin penuh dan ramai oleh pengunjung. Berkunjung untuk berbelanja di sebuah vendor ( sebut saja Mataharipagi) kita melihat banyak kaum hawa khususnya ibu - ibu yang sering sekali tidak membudidayakan kebiasaan mengantri. Ini menyebabkan antrian yang tidak tertib dan menyebabkan penumpukan pengantri
  • Akhir pekan telah datang dengan hari raya Idul Adha yang berbeda antara Muhammadiah dan Pemerintah. Hari Raya Idul Adha di hari sabtu seperti terbiasa dengna fenomena pembagian hewan kurban kepada yang membutuhkan berlangsung sangat tidak tertib. Kebanyakan penerima kurban yang hanya mengincar jatah kurban sering disalah gunakan untuk dijual lagi ataupun sebatas hanya mengumpulkan untuk digunakan sendiri tanpa berbagi dengan tetangga sekitar. hal ini sangat miris ketika kita hanya mementingkan ego dan melupakan etika yang ada pada masyarakat
  • Tiada Akhir pekan tanpa kemacetan hal ini seakan telah mendaji rutinitas yang tiada akhir di kota Bekasi atau daerah penyangga ibu kota lainnnya. Pada akhir pekan saya mengisi kegiatan dengan olah raga sore di sekitaran taman surapati. Disana saya melihat banyaknya muda- mudi yang menyalah gunakan fasilitas umum untuk berbuat asusila. Walaupun masih dalam konteks "sedikit berlebihan" tetapi tetap saja menjadi risih bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang sangat kental dengan tata krama timur

  • Hari senin diawal pekan saya beraktivitas seperti biasa dengan menggunakan alat transportasi kereta. Saya melihat perjuangan orang - orang yang bersungguh - sungguh dalam mencari ilmu dan nafkah tetapi masih saja banyak orang yang tidak menghargai hak orang lain. Banyak Ibu dan Bapak yang lansia ikut bergencat - gencatan tanpa ada sedikit toleransi dari  yang "muda" begitu ironis memang melihat kenyataan ini. Setidaknya kita harus mulai berjiwa besar untuk mereka karena kita akan menjadi seperti mereka nantinya.

Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014



The Test Of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL, pronounced "toe-full") evaluates the potential success of an individual to use and understand standard American English at a college level. The Structure and Written Expression section contains sentences that test your knowledge of important structural and grammatical elements of standard written English.

The type of structure of TOEFL are so many, as follow:
   1. NOUNSà A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. Whatever exists, we assume, can be named, and that name is a noun. Categories Noun:
a)      Compound noun: A common noun is a noun that refers to people or things in general. There are several different types of compound noun, as follows:
·         Countable compound nouns: address book
·         Uncountable compound nouns: air conditioning
·         Singular compound nouns: cost of living
·         Plural compound nouns: armed forces
b)      Countable nouns: nouns are words which can be counted. They have a singular form and a plural form. They usually refer to things. Most countable nouns become plural by adding an ‘s’ at the end of the word.
Example: book ( I bought a book last week)
c)      Collective nouns: Collective nouns refer to groups of people or things.
For example: the jury is trying to make ecision now ß that can be follow with singular and plural verb
d)     Uncountable noun: nouns are words which cannot be counted. Therefore, they only have a singular form. They have no plural forms.
For example: I need a water (wrong)
                        I need some water (right)

  2.PRONOUNSà a pronoun is a word or form that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase. It is a particular case of a pro-form. There are several different types of pronouns, as follows:
a)      Subjective pronouns: Personal pronouns may be classified by person, number and case.
Example: Who is Mr. Black? à He is my new neighbour
b)      Possessive adjective:
Example: Singular ( This is my English dictionary)
Example: Plural ( These are our dictionaries)
c)      Possessive pronouns: Possessive pronouns are used to indicate possession or ownership. Some occur as independent noun phrases: mine, yours,  hers, ours, yours, theirs.
Example : Singular (This dictionary is mine)
Example : Plural (These English novels are ours)
d)     Reflexive Pronouns: Reflexive pronouns are used when a person or thing acts on itself.
Example : I enjoyed  myself at the party last night
e)      Indefinite pronouns: Indefinite pronouns, the largest group of pronouns, refer to one or more unspecified persons or things.
Example : I didn’t see anything when I entered the house last night.
f)       Demonstrative pronouns: Demonstrative pronouns (in English, this, that and their plurals these, those) often distinguish their targets by pointing or some other indication of position
Example: This is a list of the new members.
  3.  HELPING VERBSà Helping verbs have no meaning on their own. They are necessary forthe grammatical structure of a sentence, but they do not tell us very much alone.
a)      TO BE: AM, IS, ARE 
Example : I am an employee
 b)      TO BE: WAS, WERE 
Example : I was an employee
c)      TO BE: BEING, BEEN 
Example : I will be very busy tomorrow morning.
Example : I am used to hot weather 
Example : He is used to having breakfast before leaving for office
Example : There is a book on the table 
Example : There are five books on that table

 4.  TENSES In grammar, tense is a category that locates a situation in time, to indicate when the situation takes place. Tense is the grammaticalisation of time reference, often using three basic categories of "before now", the past; "now", the present; and "after now", the future :
a)      Simple Present Tense:
Example: I study English on Monday and Thursday
b)      Present Continuos Tense:
Example: He is looking for his pen in that room
c)      Present Perfect Tense:
Example: We have occupied this house for 3 years
d)     Present Perfect Continuous
Example: Diana has been working for this company for 7 months
e)      Simple Past Tense
Example: We studied English last Tuesday afternoon.
f)       Past Continuous Tense
Example: We were having breakfast at 7 o’clock this morning
g)      Past Perfect Tense
Example: He had sold the car when I came too see it yesterday afternoon.
h)      Past Perfect Continuous
Example: Dhiana had been typing the monthly report for 2 hours at 11 o’clock this morning.
i)        Simple Future Tense
Example: I will spend my holidays in Bali next month.
j)        Future Continuous Tense
Example: I will be leaving for Surabaya by train if you come to my home at 7 o’clock tomorrow afternoon
k)      Future Perfect Tense
Example: They will have finished painting this building by the end of this month
l)        Future Perfect Continuous
Example: I will have been studying Englishfor there years by the time I am 25 years old 
5.ADJECTIVE  An adjective is a word that describes, identifies, modifies, or quantifies something (a noun or a pronoun). In the phrase, "the black cat" the word black is an adjective because it describes the cat. Categorise adjectives:
a)      Position Adjective: When adjectives come in a noun phrase they are normally immediately before the noun. Some adjectives are used alone after nouns.
Example: They live in a large house (attributive position)
Their new house is large (predicative position)
b)      Function Adjective: 
Example: I still felt hungry after dinner
c) Participle Adjective:   
Example :  I was very pleased when I met her
 d)     Demonstrative Adjective 
Example: I am interested to buy this old shoes
 e)      Formation of Adjective:
·         Noun + y : anger – angry
·         Noun + ful : power – powerful
·         Noun + al : crime – criminal
·         Noun + ous : danger – dangerous
·         Noun + less : taste – tasteless
·         Verb + able : obtain – obtainable
·         Verb + ive : talk – talkative
·         Im + adjective : possible – impossible
·         Ir + adjective : regular – irregular
·         Un + adjective : able – unable
·         Il + adjective : legal – illegal
·         In + adjective : capable – incapable
f)       Positive Degree: The positive form is the base form of the adjective.
Example: The man is as old as my father
g)      Comparative Degree: The comparative form expresses a higher degree of some quality.
-          English book costs Rp 30.000,-
-          History book costs Rp 25.000,-
Ø  The english book is more expenxive than the history book.
Ø  The history book is cheaper than the english book.
h)      Superlative Degree: The superlative form expresses the highest degree.
-          The english book costs Rp 35.000,-
-          The history book costs Rp 25.000,-
-          The French book costs Rp 45.000,-
Ø  The history book is the cheapest of three books.
Ø  The French book is the most expensive of the three books.
i)        Double Comparative
Example: As the police chased him, the man run faster and faster.
j)        The Same as – The Same – Similar
                Example: your dictionary is the same as my dictionary

6. MODAL AUXILIARYà A verb that combines with another verb to indicate mood or tense. A modal (also known as a modal auxiliary) expresses necessity, uncertainty, ability, or permission. The modal auxiliaries (or modals) include the following:
a)      Can – Could : I can translate this english novel into Indonesian.
b)      May – Might : You may come to my house if you have time.
c)      Must – Have To : I must help my parents in the garden every Sunday morning.
d)     Shall – Will : I’m very thirsty. I will drink a glass of water.
e)      Should – Ought To : We should respect our teachers.
f)       Would : What would you like to drink?
g)      Needn’t – Mustn’t : I needn’t have bought the apples because she had bought some.
h)      Had Better : You had better not leave this place before they come.
i)        Would Rather : We would rather take a taxi.
j)        Used To : My little sister used to study French.
     7.QUESTION WORD: We use question words to ask certain types of questions (question word questions). Categorise of question word:
a)      What – Who(m) :
-          What book?
-          Who did you meet at the party last night?
-          Whom did you meet at the party last night?
b)      When – Where :
-          When will your brother go to America?
-          Where do you study English?
c)      Which – Whose :
-          Which book do you want to take?
-          Whose umbrella did you borrow?
d)     Why – How :
-          Why do you study English?
-          How many students are there in that room?
    8. VERBSà Verbs are doing words. A verb can express a physical action, a mental action, or a state of being. The verbs which express a state of being are the ones which take a little practice to spot, but, actually, they are the most common. The most common verb is the verb to be. There are several different types of verbs, as follows:
a)      Infinitive : I was the first to come and the last to leave.
b)      Past Form : He took my money in the drawer.
c)      Past Participle : They have played for almost two hours.
d)     Present Participles : Tommy is repairing his car in the garage.
e)      Main Verb : The tallest student in Jane’s class has long black hair and blue eyes.
f)       Verb + To Infinitive : They decided not to continue the construction of the bridge.
g)      Verb + Gerund : The man denied taking all the money in this drawer.
h)      Verb Phrase + Gerund : My father gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice.
i)        Verb + Infinitive or Gerund : It was beginning to rain when I left the office at 5 p.m yesterday.
     9. ADVERBSà An adverb is a word that’s used to give information about a verb, adjective, or other adverb. Adverbs can make the meaning of a verb, adjective, or other adverb stronger or weaker. There are several different types of adverbs, as follows:
a)      Adverb of Manner : He speaks honestly.
b)      Adverb of Frequency : She will never be late in the afternoon.
c)      Adverb of Certainty : The man probably knows the location of the accident.
    10. PASSIVE VOICEà Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
a)      Passive Voice in All Tenses : His father is always helped (by John) in the garden (simple present tense).
b)      Passive Form of Modals : This novel can be translated (by his brother) into Indonesia.
     11.ARTICLESà The articles in English are the definite article the and the indefinite articles a and an (and sometimes some). Use of the definite article implies that the speaker assumes the listener knows the identity of the noun's referent.
a)      Indefinite Article a-an : A lion is a wild animal.
b)      Definite Article : She is the lady we met at the supermarket yesterday morning.
c)      Zero Article : Cat’s don’t like cold weather.
    12.CONJUNCTIONSà In grammar, a conjunction is a part of speech that connects words, sentences, phrases or clauses. A discourse connective is a conjunction joining sentences. There are several different types of conjunctions, as follows:
a)      Co-ordinating Conjunction: Coordinating conjunctions, also called coordinators, are conjunctions that join, or coordinate, two or more items (such as words, main clauses, or sentences) of equal syntactic importance.
Example : John and I are leaving early tomorrow morning.
b)      Subordinating Conjunction: Subordinating conjunctions, also called subordinator, are conjunctions that join an independent clause and adependent clause.
Example : The man came after we had finished doing our job.
c)      Correlative Conjunction: Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join words and groups of words of equal weight in a sentence.
Example : Brenda is either a typist or a secretary.
d)     Compound Conjunction
Example : He applied for a job in order that he could help his parents.
      13.PREPOSITIONSà A preposition is a word such as after, in, to, on, and with. Prepositions are usually used in front of nouns or pronouns and they show the relationship between the noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They describe, for example:
a)      Simple Preposition: about, above, across, after, etc.
b)      Compound Preposition: despite, beyond, upon, besides, etc
c)      Double Preposition: inspite of, due to, as regards, next to, etc
d)     Participal Preposition: regarding, barring, pending, during, etc
e)      Phrase Preposition: instead of, on account of, in line with, etc
     14.CONDITIONALà Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences.
a)      Conditional Clause Type 1: If I finish work early today, I will play tennis in the afternoon.
b)      Conditional Clause Type 2: If I had much money I would by a new car
c)      Conditional Clause Type 3: If I had had much money,I would have bought a new car
d)     As If – As Though: He speak as if he were my superior / He speak as though he were my superior.
e)      Wish: I wish she would tell me the secret.
     15.INDIRECT SPEECHà Indirect speech, also called reported speech or indirect discourse, is a means of expressing the content of statements, questions or other utterances, without quoting them explicitly as is done in direct speech.
a)      Indirect Speech – Statement
Direct: Jenni said, “I buy this dictionary at a bookshop.”
Indirect: Jenni told me (that) she bought this dictionary at a bookshop
b)      Indirect Speech – Question
Direct: John asked me, “do you still take an English course?”
Indirect: John asked me if I still took an English course.
c)      Indirect Speech – Question Words
Direct: He said, “when did you buy this new car?”
Indirect: He asked me when I had bought this new car
d)     Indirect Speech – Command
Direct: The instructor said, “lie down on the grass?”
Indirect: The instructor told me to lie down on the grass.
     16.GERUNDà A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being. However, since a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies some positions in a sentence that a noun ordinarily would.
a)      Gerund as subject : Running in the morning is good for health.
b)      Gerund as a complement: One of her hobbies is collecting foreign stamps.
c)      Gerund as an object: My father likes hunting in the forest.
d)     Gerund after preposition: He was not capable of doing the work.
e)      Gerund after possessive adjective: His leaving will make them sad.
f)       Gerund after certain verbs: We kept hoping he would come last night.
g)      Gerund after the verb go: We usually go to fishing on Saturday afternoon.
h)      Passive gerund: This old television set needs repairing
i)        Gerund to show prohibition: No smoking!
    17.CAUSATIVEà The causative is a common structure in English. It is used when one thing or person causes another thing or person to do something. 
a)      Causative – Have: I have him repair the window.
b)      Causative – Get: I often get my little brother to clean his room.
c)      Causative – Make: The robber made the teller give him all the money in the drawer.
     18.ADJECTIVE CLAUSEà An adjective clause usually comes after the noun it modifies and is made up of several words which, like all clauses, will include a subject and a verb.
a)      Subject pronoun: who – which – that
-          The couple have two boys and two daughters.
-          They live next door.
Ø  The couple who live next door have two boys and two daughters.
Ø  The couple that live next door have two boys and two daughters.
b)      Object pronoun: who – which – that
-          The man was my english teacher.
-          You saw him at the station last night.
Ø  The man who/whom you saw at the station last night was my english teacher.
Ø  The man that you saw at the station last night was my english teacher.
c)      Using whose and where
-          The man is my next door neighbor.
-          His computer was stolen a few days ago.
Ø  The man whose computer was stolen a few days ago is my next door neighbor.
       19.NOUN CLAUSEà A noun clause is a clause that plays the role of a noun.
a)      Question word in noun clause:
Example: Where does he work? I don’t know he works
b)      Whether – if in noun clause:
Example: Does she live in Jakarta? I don’t know whether she live in Jakarta.

source :

 1.      en.wikipedia.org
   2.  Cyssco, Dhanny R (2007). Comprehensive English Grammar Preparation For TOEFL. Bekasi: Penerbit Kesaint Blanc.
      3. http://www.wikihow.com/Study-for-the-TOEFL